I swear, I can never keep things the same for a long period of time. Take my bathroom. I have changed this bathroom so many times over the years it's not even funny! And I've loved every transformation. This time, however, the transformation is pretty spectacular. Can you believe this is peel and stick?? Well, it is and let me show you how I did it.
The Before

Don't get me wrong, I love this space. The green in this bathroom are some of my favorites, but I wanted a bigger change. I had previously painted the tiles on the walls white (they were the the same color as the floor, YUCK!) and I just wanted it to look brighter. Ok, back to this space. In all honesty, we don't even use this bathtub. It's entirely too shallow and only a small child can bathe in here. So since it doesn't get used, I love to dress it up and take pretty pictures of it. So I found this green peel and stick tile that I saw online from Smart Tiles at the Home Depot , and I was like, PERFECT!!!

So let's break it down. I am not great with figuring out how many this or that I need for a project. I usually try to eyeball it. I know that's not a good way to go about it, but it is what it is. Each pack comes with 4 peel and stick tile sheets, costing me at the time $26.72 each. I purchased 16 packs which came to $428.00. I still think that a lot cheaper than buying real tile.
First off, I needed tools to make this project as easy as possible. You need a very sharp utility knife, scissors and a ruler. Also, you'll need something to cut on. I used my quilting mat that's made out of hard plastic that won't cut through. I made sure to paint the seams before I started. The reason I did this is because I have rounded edges. I didn't want to see any of the white peeking through, so I painted to match to the tile. When it comes to the paint colors on my wall, my go to is always Behr. The wall color is Everglade and the trim is Secret Meadow. The paint color I used to go in the areas where you might see the white wall and it was almost a perfect match to the tile is also from Behr called Vine Leaf.

This was the hardest part of installing these tile. I will say that they are super easy to put up, realign and peel off. What I was struggling with was how to put the tile around the tub fixtures. I thought at first to cut around the fixtures, but that was an epic fail and I wasted a few tile sheets. Remember, there are ony 4 sheets in each pack and I wanted to use the least amount as possible and not have a lot of waste. I finally realized that you can unscrew the fixtures off the wall. Oh, it was smooth sailing after that!
In the end, it all turned out amazing! I repurposed some of the accessories that were already in the space and thrifted a few new ones. This all turned out better than I imagined and I even have some left over. They haven't tried to come off nor have they peeled on the corners. If you're looking to try something new in your home, give these Smart Tiles a try. It was definitely worth it to me.
Until Next Time,
